Short videos on his Facebook page Bruce Hazara show him performing back flips and striking Lee's famous poses. 他的脸书上有李小龙哈扎拉的短视频,视频展示了他表演后空翻,并打出了李小龙最出名的姿势。
When he walked back to the dugout after striking out, he was smiling, the crowd was cheering, and his teammates were congratulating him. 当他在一次击打之后走回休息区时,他在笑,人群在欢呼,他的队友在恭喜他。
When a pulsed laser light was shone into this space, it bounced back and forth multiple times, striking all the molecules in the sample, Ye's team said. 当一组脉冲激光束照进这个空间,它会来回反射多次,碰撞所有标本里的分子。
But if you look back at the sweep of history, it's striking how fleeting supremacy is, particularly for individual cities. 但如果回首看看历史,霸权如此短暂易逝,令人震惊,尤其是单个城市的荣耀更是如此。
His first impulse is to jump back and warn the others, but he know the commotion would frighten the cobra into striking. 他的第一个冲动便是想往后一跳,并警告其他的人,但是他知道这种骚动会使眼镜蛇受惊吓咬人。
The strategies of holding back compute crimes can be divided into two kinds: the criminal strategy aiming at striking and the social strategy aiming at precautions. 遏制计算机犯罪的对策分为以打击为目的的刑事对策和以预防为目的的社会对策。
Lightning supreme steepness is the key parameter for induced over-voltage of secondary equipment EMI and over-voltage of transmission line back striking. 雷电流最大陡度是导致二次设备电磁感应过电压、输电线路反击过电压的关键参数。
Research results show that along with the reduction of both tower height and surge grounding resistance, the back striking withstand performance enhances; 结果表明:随着杆塔高度的降低,冲击接地电阻的减小,线路反击性能增强;
When the extra man show back and escape in their lives, what the women around them have shown is determination and courage for the relentless pursuit of love and happiness, which shows a striking contrast with the extra man. 当多余人在生活的道路上表现出退缩、逃避时,他们身边的女性所表现出来的是对爱情和幸福生活不懈追求的峰决和勇气,与多余人形成了鲜明的对比。
It is still one of the most effective method to reduce the rate of lightning back striking on double-circuit transmission line by decreasing grounding resistance of tower. 4. 降低杆塔接地电阻仍然是降低同塔双回输电线路的反击跳闸率最有效的方法之一。
Erecting coupling-groundwire along the whole line can do inhibitory effect to shielding failure and back striking. 8. 全线架设偶合地线,对绕击雷与反击雷均能起到有效地抑制作用。
Reinforced insulation is the most effective and economical method of decreasing the rate of lightning back striking. 9. 加强绝缘是降低反击跳闸率最有效最经济的方式。